Friday, March 13, 2009

72/365 - stuck inside the color wheel

Pretty simple picture to do, provided you have the right tools (or is that toys)...

Step One: Create a blank picture in a some image editing software.
Step Two: Create a colorful gradient fill in that image.
Step Three: This is where the toys come in handy... hook your computer to a projector and display your picture full screen.
Step Four: A wide angle lens is helpful because you want to set the camera up close to the screen and fill as much of the frame with the color gradient as possible.
Step Five: Time to take the photo... stand between the camera and the projector to project your shadow onto the screen, then take the picture with a delayed timer (you want your hands in the shot, don't ya?)
Step Six: In your fave editing software crop out the excess and angles that will be introduced due to you not necessarily filling the frame.
Step Seven: Bask in the glory that is your photo!!!

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